GuideVine acquired by Avantax


Deal Synopsis

The company was acquired by Avantax for an undisclosed amount on March 26, 2021. See the Press Release.


Seller Details

GuideVine’s technology focuses on converting general consumer interest into motivated, qualified prospects. The platform employs multiple customizable techniques to match prospective clients with financial advisors, for whom lead generation and marketing is a time-consuming and difficult process. Since launching in 2014, GuideVine technology has been used by hundreds of financial services firms and more than half a million consumers searching for a financial services expert.


Buyer Details

Avantax, the wealth management business of Blucora, Inc. (NASDAQ: BCOR), offers a technology-enabled, tax-advantaged approach for comprehensive financial planning. Avantax uses technology, tax and wealth management insights to uncover tailored and advantageous opportunities across financial lifecycles to help enable better long-term outcomes. As of Dec. 31, 2020, Avantax Wealth Management had $83 billion in total client assets.


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